From the Hip Friday

Market tomatoes.

Today’s photo from the hip comes from Montreal, Canada. We met up with Abu Dhabi friends at the amazing Jean Talon Market for some shopping and snacks. I’m never sure how vendors will react to having their wares photographed, so I either refrain or get sneaky. I really liked these tomatoes…just pretend they’re in focus or embrace the dreamy quality.

xo, jill

From the Hip Friday features photos taken without the use of a viewfinder. If you have a photograph that was taken from the hip you’d like to share here, please contact me!

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  1. Steph (@ 20 Years Hence) says:

    Love Jean Talon Market! The produce is always so mouth-wateringly fresh, and they always have really great quality ingredients I never see back in Ontario. Did you get any free samples while you were there?

  2. I did! How could I refuse?! It may have been my favorite market yet. Markets tend to resemble each other at times but nearly every stall had something exciting and new to offer. So many gorgeous vegetables!

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