I met someone.

Oh dear.

She’s someone I wish all of you could meet. The Egyptian PE teacher at my school in her 50s who starts my day off right with old school calisthenics.

Today she gifted me this engagement/wedding style ring set.

I’m not even going to go there… you know.

xo, jill

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  1. How do all these women know how much you love rings?

  2. Holy crap Jill! What is happening?!

  3. i’m laughing out loud. you’re going to come back with a ring for every finger, aren’t you?

  4. At first blush, with the title of your entry and the picture of a wedding ring, we were afraid you’d married a foreign prince and were going to spend the rest of your life behind a veil far, far away. Phew! Too bad you don’t like rings. By the way, have I ever told you that I LOVE jewelry? LOL!!! You’re always on our minds! Be safe. Hugs, Toni

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