We’ve arrived.

Not the Oregon Coast.

We knew we had arrived in Salalah when the sky turned misty, mountains arose, and the brown became green.

photo by Sarah

photo by Sarah

Our first point of interest was finding the blowholes in Mughsayl (sorry, no wiki). Imagine my delight when I looked out over the rocks and saw a scene akin to the Oregon Coast. The weather wasn’t too far off either: overcast, misty, and windy. Sounds like home.

photo by Sarah

The blowholes held our attention for quite some time. You never know just when the water will go blasting. Their unpredictable nature made it tricky to get photos at their full height. (The grown men playing in the water made it difficult as well.)

Seeing the giant waves crash on the rocks made me love Oman even more. This country has so many surprises. I had no idea.

photo by Sarah

xo, jill

[Note: Oregon does have lovely beach weather too, you just never know when you’ll find it.]

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