A happy surprise.

We look so young!*A few weeks ago, or maybe over the summer, I came across these photos of Molly and me. I don’t remember seeing them before. They might even be from my mom’s camera. Nevertheless, it was a happy find.

This is from when my mom visited me in Abu Dhabi way back in February of 2010. We went off on a camping trip to explore Fujairah. In these photos Molly and I are sitting on the steps of a fort that was unfortunately closed that day.

xo, jill

*haha, I know. It was only two and a half years ago.


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  1. I think I look a lot younger in my photos from 2010 too :) it’s always such a nice surprise to find old photos!!

  2. Where’s my photo credit?

  3. Colleen Brynn says:

    I love finding photos my mum has taken that I forgot about and hadn’t seen at the time! Such gems!

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