“I seen a rainbow yesterday…”
A few days ago, I was sitting on my bed when I looked out the window at just the right moment. I grabbed my camera and then rushed downstairs to tell Mike and our roommate to look outside. We headed out the back gate (no shoes despite the wet ground) and joined the other onlookers.
It doesn’t come across in the photos, but the top of the rainbow was incredibly wide. At least the widest I’d ever seen. That added to the faint more dispersed rainbow nearby, and the colors reflecting in the rock pools made for one incredible view.
And speaking of views… there’s a new look going on over here. It was a quick process taking about oh six months! That’s what happens when you hate what you got but don’t know what you want. Thank you to my talented friend Julia for designing my new header, favicon, and social media icons. I’ve also freshened up my “Places” page so maybe take a little peek at that. There are a couple of tiny things I’d still like to change so anyone who has some CSS skills and wants to work out a trade*, let me know.
Since I was already making changes I decided to take this opportunity to abandon Blogger in favor of WordPress. That was a bit of a process and there may be a few kinks here and there to work out. For example, you might not even be able to see the changes yet! It should all be coming together over the next few days but if you find a broken link or something, please let me know. I highly recommend using Sharon Hujik’s easy to follow ebook for anyone who might be making the switch.
To finish, here’s my favorite Newcastle view.
Just for good measure.
xo, jill
Welcome to WordPress, Jill!
I LOVE the new look of your site — clean, modern, interesting. Well done.
Rebecca recently posted…The Emotional Rollercoaster of Expat Life: Acclimatising (Part 2)
Thank you! That’s what I was hoping to achieve!
I like the redesign! Very nice & clean