Archives for March 2013
Kiva Loan: March/April
From the Hip Friday
Today’s photo from the hip comes from Jenny, one of my oldest and dearest friends. (She’s the kind of friend who will organized a surprise picnic to welcome you back into the country.) She snapped this photo while in Philadelphia for a business trip. Driving into the city she held up her phone, took the photo, and was delighted to have captured a giant pretzel billboard. Who doesn’t love pretzels?
Thanks, Jenny!
xo, jill
From the Hip Friday features photos taken without the use of a viewfinder. If you have a photograph that was taken from the hip you’d like to share here, please contact me!
Big Thing Thursday: Merino
The Big Merino is definitely imposing. There’s no way you can drive past a ram that big and not stop. (It’s also adjacent to a gas station so that probably helps a bit.)
As you might imagine, the large ram, aptly named Rambo, is a tribute to the wool industry. He was built in 1985 and was originally located on the opposite end of town. Due to changes in highway and city development, Rambo was starting to feel a bit lonely. So, in 2007 he was moved to his current location connected to a gift shop and an exhibition on Australian wool. Can you imagine seeing this guy coming down the street?
We didn’t check out the shop or exhibit, but you really have to give it to them for two reasons. 1. The thing is absolutely huge (15.2 meters high, 18m long) and 2. It’s anatomically correct. You really can’t help but check.
Big Thing: Merino ram
Location: Goulburn, NSW
Even kitties have a sweet tooth.
From the Hip Friday
Today’s photo from the hip comes from the small town of Hahndorf in South Australia. Hahndorf was originally a German enclave and the people there today are holding tightly to the past. Now it’s essentially a very pretty tourist town selling German souvenirs.
We stopped into one shop specializing in German food products. It was fun to see a few past novelty snacks on the shelves and then I was blown away by the gigantic cans of sauerkraut (use the shopping basket for reference). No photos allowed so I snuck one from the hip.
xo, jill
From the Hip Friday features photos taken without the use of a viewfinder. If you have a photograph that was taken from the hip you’d like to share here, please contact me!
Sunrises or the one good thing about snoring.
The other day I was up at 3:30am thanks to a gentleman loudly snoring in a tent nearby. Instead of digging around in the car for my earplugs, I decided to just get up and get a headstart on the day. This mostly meant reading blogs on my phone until it grew light enough to read. But I did manage to take a little walk around the park at sunrise.
So while I do have that man to thank for these photos, there was still an exchange that went something like:
Me: I need the car keys.
Mike: Why?
Me: I’m going to sit in the car… and then drive over that tent!!
xo, jill