Archives for 2012

It’s Valentine’s Day

Happy V-Day!

Mike and I will be doing some low-key but very exciting celebrating tonight and I’ll be making a donation to VDay, a global movement to end violence against women and girls. Such a good cause.

xo, jill

PS Sorry about that face!

Larger than life.

And up close and personal.So, sometimes it can be a bit boring here in Abu Dhabi in terms of cultural events. And then something awesome will come.Like… a giant photo booth installed by French artist JR, the TED Prize winner for 2011! Watch his TED Prize Wish speech here.

JR is famous for posting large black and white images of faces in public places. Two projects I think are especially fascinating are the Face2Face installation in Israel and Palestine, and Women are Heroes, which has now become a film.

Now Mike and I have giant black and white photos of our very own! It was so much fun, we went twice.

He caught me mid-hair flip.

I have to say, I’m pretty impressed with Abu Dhabi on this one.

xo, jill

PS. I went to see the former president of Ghana speak last night. That was pretty cool too.

Back from Bahrain.

“Quick! Say ‘birthday’ and ‘Bahrain’ in the same sentence!”

Molly and I are back from our quick little trip to Bahrain. My birthday celebrating is over and I am now cleared for 30 more days in the UAE. Mission accomplished.

A few things to share:
1. The Traveling Triplets shared a guest post yesterday here and I completely forgot to tell you about my guest post there! Go see what I had to say on the topic of “Valentine’s Day Abroad.”
2. I still have photos from Malaysia to share. I didn’t forget.
3. I semi-revived my book blog! Go check out my new masthead designed by Julia.

xo, jill

Love is in the air.

It smells pretty good.

Valentine’s Day is coming up and today I have some guests coming over to share a little bit about spending the holiday abroad.

xo, jill

PS You might remember Kylie from her 1o Questions interview here.
PPS I knew I’d like the Traveling Triplets as soon as I heard Blitzen Trapper in their introduction video!


Hi! We are the Traveling Triplets and blog at Traveling Triplets! Who knew!

We are three identical triplet sisters who love to travel and see the world, but love each other even more. Our world is filled with love, adventure and exploring and we document our stories at our blog along the way. We hope to see you stop by and say hello!

This Valentine’s Day is special because one of us, triplet #3 Megan, gets to spend it in Paris, France with her sweet hubby! Now is that a dream come true or what? Talk about romantic.

Here is what a Valentine’s Day abroad looks like:

Let’s not forget there will be loaves of bread and crepes with cheese on the docket as well. We are so excited to experience a romantic getaway on such a special and romantic day in France. We’ll be bundled up in the Winter cold watching the twinkling lights of the tower till the sun goes down.

Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Traveling Triplets

Be right back.

Running next door.

Celebrating my last day of work / Why I need a visa run

Molly and I are headed off on a quick trip to Bahrain. It’s half birthday getaway and half visa run. Since my former employer canceled my visa, I need to leave the country and return as a tourist. Any excuse to put another pin in the map is fine by me!

I have a guest post coming up tomorrow to keep you company while I’m gone. Hope you like it.

xo, jill

One year older.

And wiser too.

It’s my birthday today and so far it’s off to a great start! I was treated to breakfast in bed, flowers, and a few video chats with family… all before 9am! Not bad.

On Tuesday, my very sweet friends threw me a little party. The decorations were beautifully made and there were even party hats!

All my favorite foods were covered: bread, cheese, potatoes, and a peanut butter and chocolate dessert. It was perfect!

I kind of think my friends are really great.

“Happy Birthday Jill!”Sarah, your husband is particularly handsome in this shot.

Thanks for the sweet party!

xo, jill

PS Photos are all by Sarah. Thanks!

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