Archives for 2012

Heading to Thailand

Take two.

Well, tonight I am off! I have plans to spend the next month volunteering in Thailand and traveling through Laos. I’m a little nervous, but pretty excited!

For the first two weeks I’ll be volunteering with the Thai Child Development Foundation’s Eco & Kids project. Basically, volunteers get to stay for free at the lodge/guesthouse in exchange for work. Work consists of gardening projects, animal care, and special activities with kids once a week. All of this work and the profits of the lodge go to support TCDF. TCDF aimss to provide schooling for children with special needs, support for children with learning disabilities, workshops for parents and families, and medical and nutritional support for kids in need.

What’s not to like about that?

The second half of my trip will be spent traveling through Laos with Mike.

I’m looking forward to all of it!

I have plenty of posts lined up to keep this space entertaining. So don’t go away!

xo, jill

To Molly

On her 29th birthday.

Happy Birthday to the friend who…

…isn’t afraid to get dirty.
…listens with great care.
…is full of ambitious ideas.

…has joined or invited me on many, many adventures.

…has a silly side that sometimes overtakes her.
…made lemonade out of one great big fat lemon.

xo, jill

PS. I forgive you for spending all of our time in Bangladesh with your new boyfriend. I know he meant a lot to you.

Novelty Snacks of Vietnam

The lotus is better not in your mouth.

Novelty Snack: Street Doughnut
Description: A very sweet and chewy doughnut doused in large grain sugar.
Tastes Like: A hamburger bun deep fried and covered in too much sugar.
Verdict: Thumbs up! (But I couldn’t finish it.)


Novelty Snack: Ostar Korean Kimchi Potato Chips
Description: Kimchi is a formented Korean dish often made with cabbage or radish with seasonings.
Tastes Like: Barbeque flavored chips with a spicy aftertaste. Does not taste like kimchi.
Verdict: Thumbs up!


Novelty Snack: Saxi Chuong Duong
Description: A dark colored soda.
Tastes Like: Anise. Gross black licorice. Yuck.
Verdict: Thumbs down.


Novelty Snack: Quyanh Ann Fried Lotus Seed
Description: Lotus seed and vegetable oil.
Tastes Like: Eating a seed, really. More bland than dried garbanzo beans. These gave Mike a stomachache pretty quickly.
Verdict: Thumbs down.

While the snacks weren’t always a hit in Vietnam, the food in general was pretty good.

xo, jill

This is just to say…

…I hope you enjoy this bonus day! Plus, a little reminder that we don’t always get things right on our first try.

xo, jill

A quick trip.

Across the gulf.

Mike and I are back from spending the weekend visiting friends in Kuwait. Now I can say I’ve been to 5 of the 6 countries in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)! Woot. Saudi Arabia might just have to wait for another lifetime.

xo, jill

Happy Weekend!

for those of you who work!

Mike and I are busy ticking something off our giant Abu Dhabi + Surroundings To-Do List. Can you guess what it is?

And did you see my post about the Grand Mosque at Inspiring Travellers?

xo, jill

PS. You know you’re dating a teacher when he walks in with butcher paper and markers and says it’s time to brainstorm.

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