My Kiva loan for May and June went to Claudia in Peru. Claudia is in the cheese business. She sells it at the market, to stores, and to neighbors. There was no way I was going to pass up this loan. I’m pretty sure my mom referred to me as a “cheese-aholic” growing up. I try not to, but I kind of love it.
Also, Kiva is giving out free trials…RIGHT NOW! You can lend $25 to an enterpreneur in need at no cost to you. Click here before it’s too late. Free trials always go quickly.
Special thanks to Matt, Dana, Shauna, Annie, Alison, Sarah, Elizabeth, Mike, Nikki, and my mom who have all accepted my Kiva invitations in the past. Together you’ve made a total of 33 loans!
xo, jill

very cool! my mom’s name is claudia, and i also LOVE cheese, so good pick 😉 i may have to jump on one of those trials if they’re still available – thanks for sharing!