Chasing waterfalls.

…and a tour of the countryside.

On my second day off while volunteering, Val and I hiked to a nearby waterfall. When I say “hiked” I mean, “walked down the road” and when I say “nearby” I mean, “two hours away.” From a wrong turn in the beginning to missing the actual turn off later on… it was quite the journey.

photo by Val

I think it also contributed to a sunburn and a bit of fatigue. When you’re working out in the hot sun 5 days a week, that’s probably not how you should spend your days off. Oh well. It was worth it.

Once at the waterfall we waded in the cool refreshing water just chatting and relaxing.

photo by Val

It was a nice way to spend the day even though getting there and back felt a bit grueling at times.

xo, jill 

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