“No go!”
It’s been one month since I left my classroom, and to be honest, I don’t miss it. I’m looking forward to job satisfaction in the future but right now I feel pretty content. This is probably the best time in my life (as well as the best conditions) to be unemployed, and I’m pretty happy to just enjoy it.
During my last few days of school my students began to shower me with notes and love. Common themes were “I love you.” “No go America.” and simply, “No go.”

“I love you, Ms. Jill but you go to the America. Ms. Jill come for me please Ms. Jill I love you so much and you the princess.”
Written backwards Arabic style: “I love you Ms. Jill no go I love you no go.”
They couldn’t change my mind, but it was still pretty sweet.
xo, jill