For giants.
Before I moved to Abu Dhabi I watched many video clips of the city. Over and over again I kept seeing the same giant statues. The coffee pot and canon stood out the most. I assumed that when I arrived in Abu Dhabi I’d recognize and regularly see these icons of the city. But nope. Not really.
For whatever reason, I’m rarely in the statues’ neighborhood. So, the other day on our way to Butt Sweet House, Mike and I popped into the park to check them out.
Covering for food / Incense burner
Perfume dropper / Dallah or coffee pot
Everyone’s favorite, the giant canon
I like to think that if Abu Dhabi had its own Monopoly game, these statues would be the pieces.
The park itself looked like it had seen better days. Many of the tiles were missing and there were only a few other visitors there with us. I think perhaps Abu Dhabi is turning to it’s newer and fancier icons, like Emirates Palace, the Grand Mosque, or the Formula One track.
xo, jill

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