Novelty Snacks of Bangladesh

If you can find them.

Bangladesh wasn’t the easiest place to novelty snack, but we were still able to find a few treats.

Novelty Snack: Dried Peas
Description: Peas fried with spices and salt
Tastes Like: The texture of these peas reminded me of the last few popcorn kernels in the bowl that only half popped. Molly says the flavor is the equivalent of veggie “fried chicken.”
Verdict: Thumbs up!


Novelty Snack: Sun Chips, wasabi flavor
Description: “Every bite is a pleasure.”
Tastes Like: Wasabi flavored Ruffles
Verdict: Thumbs neutral


Novelty Snack: Pillow Chocolate Chips
Description: “Pillows with rich chocolate filling.”
Tastes Like: Stale Cocoa Puffs with a smidge of Nutella knock-off filling.
Verdict: Thumbs neutral

xo, jill
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