Step one.

Arrive in Vienna.

When I landed in Vienna, I was completely exhausted. I successfully caught the correct bus from the airport and found my hostel without too much trouble. Then I fell asleep. After about 3 hours of dozing in a warm room, I forced myself up to check out the city.

I didn’t know exactly where I wanted to go so I figured the center of town was probably a good start. It was a pretty smart choice considering that the center of town is also the site of St. Stephen’s Cathedral. Supposedly, one day Beethoven looked up at the bell tower at St. Stephen’s. He saw birds flying from the loud clanging of the bells, but didn’t hear a sound. This is when he realized he was deaf.

After visiting the cathedral I continued walking to Stadtpark. I had a little rest and my first meal of the trip: felafel.

Determined to keep myself awake until at least 9:00pm, I returned to my hostel and had a chat with an Australian who had recently visited Dubai. Depsite claiming that she was sleepy too, her chattiness kept me up until nearly 10:30pm. I was wiped out.

xo, jill

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