
A comparative study.

Of all the joyful experiences I’ve had at home this summer, berry picking has been one of my favorites. I’ve picked raspberries, strawberries, cherries (though not technically a berry), and lots and lots of blueberries! When I first saw blueberries in the store I was so excited at the price that I thought I should do a bit of a comparison. Molly quickly agreed to be my correspondent from abroad.

Let’s take a look.

A 6oz box of blueberries will cost you 18.50AED. In dollars that would be $5.07, which breaks down to 84 cents per ounce. [I’ve seen blueberries as much as 24AED which would be $6.58 for a 6oz box or $1.09 an ounce. Ouch!]

photos by Molly

A 32oz box of blueberries will cost you $4.98 (on sale at Fred Meyer) which breaks down to only 16 cents per ounce.

Of course, here you can always pick berries yourself which will cost you even less. And if you happen to know a sweet friend with blueberry bushes, you can pick as much as you want for the cost of some good conversation.

Unfortunately, those high prices in UAE don’t come with extra flavor. I was happy to taste blueberries this summer that actually taste like blueberries!

xo, jill

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