The third expat in this mini-series is Kylie of Spencer and Kylie. Kylie and her husband are expert travelers and are currently living and working in Ecuador (previously, Peru). The photographs they’ve taken while in South America are stunning. Kylie is also one third of the Traveling Triplets, a travel blog offering tips to inspire you to get out and see the world.
Here’s Kylie’s 10 Questions:
1. Current address:
Cusco, Peru
2. Pervious address(es):
Laie, Hawaii3. I landed here because…
I am doing an international internship filming and photographing the projects of a humanitarian organization. We work primarily in rural communities helping to create sustainable solutions to ascend out of poverty.
learning a new language, continual immersion in a new culture, observing lifestyles very different than my own, learning new ways of doing things, and building meaningful and lasting relationships with people in places throughout the world. It not only opens your eyes but it also changes you for the better – it builds character, confidence, and humbles you.
managing living and travel expenses when you do not have an income, cultural differences that can create misunderstandings, missing my family, learning a new language, expressing yourself, and getting sick.
6. Before living here (abroad) I never realized…
how little we really need to live happily.
cuanto cuesta [host much?], ciao [bye]

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