Novelty Snacks of Oman

An additional source of entertainment.

Novelty Snack: African Baobab
Description: A very pretty colored dried fruit snack
Tastes Like:Dried tamarind
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: unnamed snack mix
Description: Lightly seasoned chinese style noodles with dried lentils
Tastes Like: Dried Top Ramen noodles
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Potato Sticks
Description: Tomato flavored potato chips cut into sticks
Tastes Like: The bottom of the chip bag.
Verdict: Thumbs up!

Novelty Snack: Fried Peas
Description: Spiced fried green peas from Thailand
Tastes Like: Crunchy green peas but a bit too spicy for me
Verdict: Thumbs neutral

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