These shoes weren’t made for walking.

But that’s just what I did.

On my travels this summer I brought my very favorite pair of shoes. My K-Mart $6 shoes that go everywhere with me and always feel nice and comfy. In Copenhagen my K-Mart shoes found their match: cobblestones. These shoes were not made for walking over cobblestones and unfortunately for my feet, walk over cobblestones is exactly what I did. All day long.

I started bright and early my first morning in town. My aim was Rosenborg Slot but I found myself at the entrance to a botanical garden, Botanisk Have. I wandered around just long enough to find some pretty scenes.

Rosenborg Slot was easy to find from the garden. Rosenborg Slot is a renaisance castle built in 1606. Once a royal residence, now the castle is a museum that showcases the belongings of royalty and the Crown Jewels. Each room is set up as the royal family may have used it.

After leaving the castle, I ventured over to Rundetarn, a round tower. It was built as an astronomical observatory in the 17th century. The method of reaching the top was a pleasant surprise to me. No stairs! Instead, visitors make 7 and a half turns up a ramp before climbing the last few feet. At the top is a lovely view of all of Copenhagen’s red roofs.

After a full morning, I relaxed in a park for some novelty snacking… but more on that later.

xo, jill

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