Government Cruelty *Updated*

Yes I did just type that.

Currently sitting at the main post office are not one, not two, but THREE packages waiting for me. The tricky bit? The small parcels office closes at 2:00pm.

I finish work at 1:10pm with a 50 minute commute back to town.

Today I arrived at 1:52pm… he left early.

Try again tomorrow…

xo, jill


Left school 10 minutes early today and made it to the post office! There were not three but FOUR packages waiting! One is for Frances, but it was still pretty exiting to walk out with my arms full. Thanks to Dad and Toni, Nikki, and Liz! And thanks to everyone who has sent me a holiday card!

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  1. Bum deal. How frustrating. Hope you can retrieve your packages soon. Maybe you need to open a PO box closer to school???? Guess, on the bright side, you’re getting your exercise going up and down the stairs…

  2. Lame :( I wonder if one of those 3 is from me. Next time I send a package, might you like some snack food from home?

  3. Jill-
    Thought you should know that I of all people am now engaged! Fancy that, and you are going to be my best man as well. Shocking but true.

    Also, similar to the Nestle For Men, is the Yorkie, made in England specifically not for women. See the below address.

    Put that in your pipe and smoke it. Bout damn time i get my own candy bar, without having to share it with you women.

  4. Ouch.

  5. You’ll be getting another. I mailed one on the 8th.

  6. Just entering your giveaway for [Tutku] again!

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