Cicely, Alaska

aka Roslyn, Washington

Awhile ago, Mike got me watching Northern Exposure. Remember it from the 90s? The young doctor from New York is sent to work off his school loans in the wilderness of Alaska. It didn’t hook me right away… but now I can say, I’m a fan. Probably a bigger fan than Mike. Whenever we settle in for some screen time, my vote is always for the little town of Cicely, Alaska.

Classic Northern Exposure shot.

Turns out… Cicely, Alaska is actually Roslyn, Washington. On our way back from Vancouver, BC we visited friends in Seattle, then headed an hour or so east to Roslyn. We couldn’t resist.

Even though Northern Exposure went off the air in 1995, Roslyn still looks pretty much the same.

The Brick / towards the mountains

The main filming locations are easy to spot, but we stopped in at Joel’s office (now a gift shop) and picked up a handwritten map of other points of interest.

Joel’s office / location of Chris in the Morning radio show

We laughed at how many other tourists were out doing the same thing. The woman in the gift shop told us that people still come from all over the world to get a glimpse of Cicely/Roslyn.

Maggie’s house
Ruth Ann’s store

It was definitely a fun way to spend an afternoon and worth the little detour.

xo, jill

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  1. I totally remember my parents watching Northern Exposure, but I think I was too young to be interested at the time it was actually on. I love that this is in Washington! And I love that it is a still a tourist attraction. Can’t let North Bend/Snoqualmie/Twin Peaks get all the cult tv attraction, can we?

  2. I know. I love how a tiny town an hour or so from Seattle can pass for the wilds of Alaska. So funny! (And proof that Washington is a beautiful state!) I never got into Twin Peaks… maybe that will be next!

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